The S.E.E.D project is a program of the Social Equity & Racial Justice Projecta and Day 2 Multipurpose Center; a not-for-profit organization serving justice impacted individuals and communities

The Social Equity and Racial Justice Project is a passionate and ambitious initiative that seeks to address the systemic injustices and inequalities perpetuated through cannabis prohibition. Our Project is grounded in three main priorities: Education, Oversight, and Building a Trusted Network.

Through our Education initiatives, we will provide workshops and training programs to help individuals understand and navigate the N.Y.S. cannabis industry. For example, our S.E.E.D Project, a five-week introductory course on the Business of Cannabis in New York City, will equip participants with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in this emerging industry. We are also partnering with Cornell University to offer a Workforce Development workshop series that will provide more advanced training for those pursuing careers in cannabis.

Our Oversight component will ensure we gather data and research to produce an annual report on N.Y.S.’s progress on cannabis regulations, employment, social equity, and the law. This report will help shape policy, legislative proposals, and advocacy efforts, ensuring social equity remains at the forefront of the N.Y.S. cannabis program.

Finally, our Building a Trusted Network priority will focus on developing relationships with individuals and business owners in and out of the cannabis industry. Building strong partnerships and networks is essential to creating lasting change and promoting social equity in the cannabis industry.

The Black Institute has a long history of advocating for criminal justice reform and supporting campaigns that benefit marginalized populations. Our work on the N.Y.S. cannabis industry extends this commitment to social justice. We have already hosted a 4-part cannabis workshop series, served as an outside social equity consultant for companies interested in participating in the N.Y.S. cannabis industry, and engaged in ongoing educational efforts through social media and town halls.

We will ensure that we expand our cannabis programming and services to educate and train black people and people of color disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition. In addition, through the Social Equity and Racial Justice Project, participants can develop secure employment and business opportunities in social equity licensing in the N.Y.S. cannabis industry. We believe this Project will be a critical step toward promoting social equity and racial justice in the cannabis industry and creating a more just and equitable society for all.


The S.E.E.D. Project

Day 2 Multipurpose Center Image

Is a introductory education course created to prepare potential cannabis license applicants to participate in the “Business of Cannabis in New York”. The course is comprised of five modules (areas of study) and each module consists of three units (classes). The entire course is a 30-hour instructional, encompassing 15 classes of 2 hours a piece, taught over a five week period (three classes per week). Concluding with an exam and certificate at the completion of the course.
Course Modules

(1) Introduction to Cannabis;
(2) Cannabis laws & Regulations in NY;
(3) The Business of cannabis;
(4) Ancillary Businesses;
(5) Advocacy & Community Outreach. For those who complete the course and pass the exam we also offer post course consultation and assistance as well as referrals to much needed cannabis industry resources.

The cannabis industry is profitable but not easy. Increase your chances of success by being prepared. The S.E.E.D Project Workshop Series kicked-off on Tuesday, March 28th. Be sure to join our mailing to learn about upcoming workshops.

S.E.E.D Project Workshop Series

We kicked off our 5-week introductory education course on Tuesday, March 28th as part of our Social Equity and Racial Justice Project. Our workshop series aims to prepare potential cannabis license applicants on how to participate in the “Business of Cannabis in New York”.

June 2023 Training Series – Informative Workshops on the Cannabis Industry

Join the Social Equity and Racial Justice Project for a dynamic workshop series with Cornell ILR and WDI. Starting June 14, explore topics like cannabis cultivation, extraction, manufacturing jobs, and worker’s rights with instructors Kayvon Reid, Esta Bigler, and Cecilia Oyediran. The series culminates on June 24 with a deep dive into dispensary operations and retail opportunities.